International Services (inc. Japanese)

International Financial Structuring

We specialise in advice to international families in relation to the creation of appropriate structures for investments both in and outside the United Kingdom.

We have personal and well-established contacts with respected international advisers and fiduciary organisations in various jurisdictions.

We advise individuals who intend to establish residence in the United Kingdom in connection with their personal tax positions and that of their associated family companies and we can also recommend specialist advisers to advise on the immigration rules in the UK which are now more complex following the Brexit decision.

Legal Services for French speakers

Advice on buying and selling properties for occupation and investment; inheritance and estate planning. Will drafting, especially to take advantage of the EU Directive known as Brussels IV. Our consultants Keith F. Baker and Jeffrey Forrest are both French speakers.

Legal Services for Japanese speakers

Our Japanese solicitor, Hiroko Takeuchi, can help our Japanese speaking clients with a range of company, commercial, employment, immigration, property and private client matters.


人・モノ・情報の動きがボーダーレス化するに伴い、Brian Harris & Co弁護士事務所はロンドン事務所を基点に英国はもとより海外の法人・個人のクライアントの方々に多岐に渡るリーガルサービスを提供しています。多くのクライアントの皆様に長年のアドバイザーとしてご愛顧頂いていることを誇りに思うと同時に、クライアントのニーズに適したアドバイスを効率的に行うことで、質、サービスともに信頼のおける弁護士事務所であることを心がけています。










一般商事の民事訴訟、株主代表訴訟、行政訴訟などの各種訴訟、クロスボーダー紛争、また調停・仲裁といったAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)と呼ばれる裁判外紛争解決を取り扱います。またHM Revenue & Customsとの税に関する問題もご相談ください。








債務者、債権者、またその他のステークホルダーの代理を務め、会社清算・事業再生・倒産を含め、利害調整、債権管理、債権回収、人事労務対応などアドバイスと法的手続きの申し立てを行います。ご依頼に応じて専門家Insolvency Practitionerをご紹介することもできます。

Notarial Services

A Notary is a qualified lawyer – a member of the third and oldest branch of the legal profession in the United Kingdom. Notaries are appointed by the Court of Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury and are subject to regulation by the Master of the Faculties.

They must be fully insured and maintain insurance cover for the protection of their clients and the public. They must keep clients’ money separately from their own and comply with stringent practice rules and rules relating to conduct and discipline. Notaries have to renew their practising certificates every year and can only do so if they have complied with the rules.

Many documents require a notary and include those to:

  • Prepare and authenticate powers of attorney for use overseas
  • Deal with purchase or sale of land and property abroad
  • Authenticate documents for immigration or emigration purposes, or to apply to marry or to work abroad, including authentication of professional and educational qualifications and preparation of capacity to marry via statutory declaration or oath
  • Authenticate company and business documents and transactions for foreign contracts or the formation of foreign subsidiary companies
  • Deal with documents relating to foreign wills and estate administration

Fees start from £150.  Our Notary, Keith F. Baker, will be able to help you.  Please contact him directly to book an appointment on 020 7751 9883.


To discuss international legal matters, please contact us.